Where To Eat In Singapore

where to eat in singaporeSingapore is home to some of the best food in the world. With so many varieties of food and culture, it can be overwhelming to find where to eat in Singapore. In this category, we will feature top list Singapore food from popular hawker centres, food courts and malls. Restaurant food especially buffet will be heavily showcased here for those hungry for more. Details are subject to changes and might defer from what is shown here. Do your research and call them before heading down! Sponsored content will be indicated at the end.

pezzo durian pizza

Pezzo Durian King Charcoal Pizza

This is Singapore’s first ever mao shan wang and D24 durian charcoal crust pizza created by Pezzo. If you have missed the season for mao shang wang, red prawn or D24, this is your last chance to feast into one. This is the real deal, power packed with 100% durian flesh. Pezzo, Singapore’s home grown […]

Pezzo Durian King Charcoal Pizza

nasi lemak burger

McDonald’s Nasi Lemak Burger

McDonald’s has launched the Nasi Lemak Burger in conjunction with the Singapore Food Festival 2017. It shouts “JUST FOR YOU, SINGAPORE” to celebrate our up and coming SG52 National Day. Can’t decide between a burger or a plate of nasi lemak? Get the best of both worlds with the Nasi Lemak Burger at Mcdonald’s! This is

McDonald’s Nasi Lemak Burger